Friday, February 10, 2012

Kani Salad

You know when your grocery shopping minding your own business, and you see someone glancing in your cart? Then asks " So what are you planning to make with that", or have you ever tried this ingredient? Well if those particular shoppers annoy you, then steer clear of me in the supermarket. I am one of those shoppers.  Out of the corner of my eye I notice a women reaching for kani in the freezer section at my supermarket this week. I knew this was my golden opportunity,  I  was thrilled I always wanted to know how to make homemade Kani salad.  So as my usual pick up line goes... How do you use this ingredient? (at this point if I'm with my husband shopping, he usually dashes to a different aisle dying of embarrassment from his wife, harassing grocery shoppers) anyways where was I ? Oh yes kani, so she was willing to stop and chat right there in the frozen veggie aisle. I whip out my trusty blackberry and start taking notes she explained the whole deal. Kani-imitation crab meat originating from Japan..... Bottom line I scored a recipe which is a home run from me, went home and got to work did some rearranging to Mrs. R recipe and I think I got it right.

Kani salad, there is not much more to say its cool, crisp, spicy, and light a great addition to any meal or as a light lunch. It's on my shabbos menu this week thought it would be a great new accompaniment to the traditional gefilta fish .

 Kani Salad
4 cucumbers, peeled and shredded, squeeze in dish towel to remove all access water
4 carrots, peeled and shredded
1 bunch scallions, thinly chopped
4 sticks of kani, squeeze in dish towel to remove all access water then thinly shred

 1/4 cup panko bread crumbs or toasted sesame seeds

1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp. sriracha
1 tsp. sugar
pinch of salt
Juice of 1 lemon
salt to taste

Mix the dressing ingredients together . Taste for seasoning and set aside.

Place kani, cucumber, carrot and scallions in large bowl, toss with dressing. Best if refrigerated at least 3 hours before serving.

plating:  Top with panko or sesame seeds immediately before serving.

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